Item Coversheet

Public Works
Council Meeting 6/6/2022

To:Mayor and City Council
From:Chad Birdsong, Public Works Director
RE: Consideration of ARPA Fund Application for Water Line Improvements - Resolution No. 1353 



The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is administering federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of the Treasury pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act, other wise known as ARPA.  We will be applying for approximately $5,000,000.00 worth of water main upsizing and replacement projects in our water distribution system according to our water model capital plan.  Part of the requirements of this process is to have a resolution from the governing body to authorize the application by naming the authorized official, which will be the City Manager, submit and sign all of the necessary documents, and receive payments on behalf of the applicant.


The resolution is attached for your consideration and approval.


Please call me if you have and questions or concerns regarding this.


Respectfully submitted,

Chad Birdsong, Public Works Director
DescriptionTypeUpload Date
ResolutionResolution Letter6/2/2022